Sunday 26 February 2012

Slow down

Let me start out today by thanking everyone who has sent me messages of support about my blogs.  there are times when I think that this stuff is better left unsaid.  Keep it to myself, right?  I am sure there are those of you out there who think, or wish, that I would just keep this information private.  Like my feelings are not meant to be broadcast to the world, and you are right.  You are entitled to your position on this matter and I respect that.  However, in light of the messages I have been receiving regarding the topics I am discussing on here I feel that I am doing the right thing.  These emotions, and feelings that I am pouring into these blogs are real. I am sure that most of you have felt something like this at some point in your life.  You may just choose to be more private about how you deal with it.  There is no wrong way. 
I received emails from alot of people... A lot!
 First off I can not begin to explain how grateful I am for people even taking the time to read what I write, let alone respond to it.  I will take all criticism whether it be positive or negative.  For those of you that are reading this and are feeling a sense of relief, or feeling you can relate to what I am talking about I hope that the words I write can in some way help you deal with a situation of your own.  And for my critics, if there is something you would like me to discuss throw it at me! Let's see what I can come up with!

I guess I am feeling like the more I talk about my dad, the less chance their is that I will forget him.  He left a big impression on me and for a number of reasons I want to write about this.  To inform people of the things we went through.. I want you all to hear the reasons why I have trouble trusting a doctor, and why I feel it is so important to stand up for your rights when it comes to the world of medicine, and to also just talk about my day to day life now, after.  The subject has to get old at some point, I know, so if you choose to stop reading then I bid you adieu.. the ones who want to continue on this with me thank you! 

A situation has come to light that makes us all look at life in a different way.  In my first post I mentioned stopping to smell the roses.  The sad part is that usually when we stop to smell them, it is when we are forced to.  When something happens in our lives that literally slaps us in the face and says "slow the hell down".. There are those little things again, the i love yous, and moments in time where you sit and listen.  We are all guilty of it, and the unfortunate part is when that moment happens, and we sit reeling from it, we stop... and smell the roses.
It may be that at some point it will be too late for that.  As I sit and watch my daughter pretend to be a princess and spin in circles while singing, and my son working diligently on a puzzle I am forced to think of the times when my daughter has asked me at bedtime to read to her and I say, "tomorrow night honey", or my son asks me to lay with him so he can tell me about his day, to which I respond "It's late, we can talk about it in the morning".. What exactly is so important that I can not take 10 minutes to lay with my children..
Our lives are so fast paced, I know it drives Mike nuts that these days no one actually picks up a telephone and calls you, or stops in to visit, because anything that needs to be said can done via text message, bbm or facebook.  Is this really what life is becoming? 
And why is it that when we face these times in our lives where we are forced to stop and hug our children that we reflect on how important they are to us.  Don't get me wrong, I realize everyday how important my kids are to me, they are my life! I just know for a fact that I don't do the best job of communicating that to them as often as I should.  Yesterday was my son's 6th birthday and at bed last night I told him of the day he was born.  The scare we went through during delivery learning after a few hours of labour that his heart rate was dropping steadily..  He knows that the scar on my tummy is where the doctors had to operate on mommy to get him out quickly and safely.  I told him how Mike and I could just sit and stare at him for ever, he was our perfect little boy.. I wanted him to know that he was special because I know I don't tell him enough. 

The point is there is alot that we take for granted, in life, love and family.. there are moments we let slip by that we can never get back.  I know first hand how it feels to wish for yesterday because of things unsaid and time lost.  There are tragic events that unfold right before our eyes and it forces us to hold the things we love closer, but shouldn't we do that all the time anyways?
We are a society that has one speed and that is fast.. Here's to hoping that someone invents a cruise button that allows us to relax a bit and enjoy the ride.

My dad lived a fast paced life too, and there were lots of times where upon hanging up the phone we did not say "I love you", and looking back now I wish there had been many more "I love you's" with him, but I never doubt for a second the way he felt about me.  I want my children to feel that same love, not just when I decide I have time to show them, but everyday!
Don't let a tragedy be the reason you slow down!

Hoping everyone can find time today to hold a thought and #prayer for a special family who needs it right now.. At this point in time there is nothing we can do to take their pain away, but we can stand behind them as a community.  We hold them near to our hearts in the hopes that our #healing thoughts can help them through the next few very difficult days, weeks and months.

May those we love never be forgotten~


  1. i love love love reading your blogs. It touches me in ways that I never knew could. Reading about your dad really strikes a cord with me. My dad is still here with us so I couldn't imagine the pain that you feel. I hope that when he dies that I can look back and know what I can use your blog as a coping mechanism. Thank you for your inspiring words. keep it up, you are truely an inspiration.

  2. I have to admit what your going through now, is almost identical to the way I felt after my father died. He too died of cancer and in a very short time from discovering it till the day he passed was 6 weeks. So I do feel what you are experiencing but you tell it so much better then I ever could. I feel much better after reading your blogs in knowing that I am not alone in thinking the way I did. That someone else experienced the same feelings and thoughts that I had. I am still not over it and I cry when I see a father hugging his daughter. Wishing that I could still hug my father and have him tell me he loves me. I don't think you ever get over it as many think you should but time does lesson the hurt, just a little. Keep doing what your doing, you have a very special way with words. Talking about your feelings really does help when you have someone to listen. You have many listeners and I am one of them.
